What is Coccidiosis?

Coccidiosis can occur in all animals (including humans). Coccidiosis is a disease caused by unicellular parasites of the order Coccidia. This parasite nests in the intestinal mucosa and causes damage there. This causes mushy stools or diarrhoea. Many (healthy) animals go through an infection without being noticed. An animal will not die from infection with Coccidia, but can die from the consequences, especially with young animals this can be the case. Older animals that have a chronic disease that has reduced their natural resistance are also extra sensitive to the Coccidiosis infection. Pregnant animals also have an increased risk of infection.

Coccidiosis infection

The parasite lays eggs in the intestines and these come out with the faeces. Further contamination can be prevented by clearing up the faeces immediately and by thoroughly cleaning the places where the faeces are located. Also clean the coat well. The eggs can survive for weeks and sometimes even months in the environment and can withstand weather conditions such as heat and extreme cold. Other animals in the area can also be infected as a result. For caged animals, it is important that the cage is cleaned every day. The parasite needs 30 hours to develop into an infectious phase in the droppings. Cleaning the cage every day prevents reinfection. If you temporarily house your animal in a boarding house, ask the owner if he has a prevention plan and if he follows it. This includes daily steam cleaning or chemical disinfection, e.g. using cresols.

An animal can also be infected by eating raw meat. In this case the slaughtered animal (without having been ill itself) acts as an intermediate host, and the Coccidia have established themselves in the muscles, organs or brain of this animal. To avoid contamination, it is best to cook the meat. Coccidia, as far as is known, do not pass from one species of animal to another. So you or your cat cannot get infected by the dog. An exception to this is toxoplasmosis, caused by a certain species of Coccidia (Toxoplasmosis gondii). These are excreted by cats with the feces. Pregnant women should not clean the litter box themselves, or should wear gloves. An infection can lead to a miscarriage, or even to the death of a baby immediately after birth. You can only get toxoplasmosis once in your life, after that you are immune and there is no more danger.

Coccidiosis is present in all countries of Europe, traveling with your animal through Europe does not pose any additional risk. Depending on the country, 3-9% of all adult dogs and cats are infected with Coccidiosis.

It has therefore not yet been established that animals can transmit Coccidiosis to humans.

An infected animal can infect other animals (of the same species) via the feces after 6-10 days.

Symptoms of Coccidiosis

Diarrhea with mucus, usually dark in color to bloody

  • Skinny with a distended abdomen, often with liver damage
  • Staying behind in development, especially puppy or kitten
  • Poor appetite
  • Fluid loss and dehydration
  • In a single case vomiting with or without abdominal pain
  • Fever

Diagnosis Coccidiosis

This can be done through a stool test. The parasite can only be seen under the microscope. It is best to do this again after 6 weeks of treatment. A test for Coccidiosis does not give a 100% reliable result, it is therefore necessary to repeat it after a few weeks.

Treatment Coccidiosis

The vet's drugs can only slow down, but not stop, the parasite's development. And don't kill at all. Coccidiosis is therefore very harmful to health in the long term. Especially animals with a low natural resistance, including young animals in development, are susceptible to Coccidiosis. It is therefore important not only to kill the parasite, but also to quickly increase the natural resistance and to strengthen the intestinal mucosa.
The Chinese herbal formula Zao Diao kills the Coccidiosis parasite and prevents the feces from being contagious to other animals. It is advisable to immediately use the Gastro to allow the intestinal mucosa to recover quickly. This is especially important for young animals, because the intestinal mucosa plays a major role in developing the natural resistance. Young animals that cannot build up a good natural resistance in the first year of their life remain susceptible to other diseases for the rest of their lives.

Zao Diao is not only a good but also an animal-friendly alternative to Procox, Sulfonamides, Clazuril, Diclazuril, Nicarbazine and Toltrazuril. It has no side effects. This can make it take longer if necessary.

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Bestel dit artikel Zao Diao, 90 tabl. 300 mg  € 25,10
Bestel dit artikel Zao Diao, 90 tabl. 1200 mg  € 37,10

Zao Diao= Trade mark

Yan Shen is a supplementary animal feed based on Chinese herbs. For dogs, cats, guinea pigs and other small pets of all ages, including puppies, kittens, pregnant and nursing pets. The herbs can be used over a longer period of time, there are no known side effects. The formula may be used together with medication from your vet, other Chinese herbs or homeopathy.

Composition Zao Diao: Polygala tenuifolia, Sophora flavescens, Notopterygium incisum, Phillodendron amurense, Ledebouriella divaricata, Dictamnus dasycarpus, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Cnidium monnieri. Additive: Microcristalline cellulose, Crosslinked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, Silicic acid. Analytical constituents: raw ash 3,1% crude fat 0,2% rough egg white 1,5% crude fiber 7,7% Natrium 0,3%.

Dosage: We advise to give a double dose during the first 14 days. You can also give the double dose for a longer period of time, if you find it necessary. With (sufficient) results, a normal dose can be given after 14 days.

Dosage cat and dog up to 5 kg
300 mg
 First 14 days  From 15 days
 to  1 kg
 1 tabl. 300 mg 2x a day  ½ tabl. 300 mg 2x a day
 1 - 5 kg
 2 tabl. 300 mg 2x a day  1 tabl. 300 mg 2x a day

Dosage cat and dog from 5 kg
1200 mg
 First 14 days  From 15 days
  5 - 10 kg
 1 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day ½ tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day
10 - 20 kg
 2 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day  1 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day
20 - 30 kg
 3 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day  1½ tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day
30 - 40 kg
 4 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day  2 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day
40 - 50 kg
 5 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day  2½ tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day
>  50 kg
 6 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day  3 tabl. 1200 mg 2x a day

For a guinea pig and rodent is relatively higher than the dosage for cats and dogs. Rodents are herbivores and therefore they need more herbs to get good results.

Guinea pigs, hamsters and other rodents
First 14 days
From 15 days
 2 tabl. 300 mg 2x a day
 1 tabl. 300 mg 2x a day

To administer: with a bit of cheese, meat etc., whatever the animal likes. It is possible to mix it with a bit of food, just make sure everything is eaten.

Result: 2-3 weeks.

Maintenance dose: when your animal is healthy again, you can reduce the dose by 50%.

Preventive dose: 50% of the normal dose.

300 mg tablet
1200 mg tablet
300 mg tablet
1200 mg tablet